Mountain View Wellness

Hi! I’m Julie Bailis, Master Health Coach & Personal Trainer and I help women over 40 turn the challenges of menopause into opportunities to feel stronger and more confident in the next chapter of their lives."

Are you finding it difficult to manage weight gain, emotional fluctuations, sleep disturbances, and other hormonal changes impacting your daily life?

Maybe what you have been doing just isn’t working anymore.

Looks like it might be time for a change!

Julie has 3 Personal Training Spots opening up in June.
Send her an email to learn more.

Here is how I can help!

  1. Personalized One-on-One Coaching: I offer customized programs that take into account your individual differences and lifestyle needs.

  2. Functional Fitness Training: I design exercise regimes that are tailored to your everyday activities and promote long-term independence.

  3. Holistic Approach: I incorporate aspects of nutrition, sleep, and mindfulness practices along with physical exercise in my programs.

  4. Actionable Daily Steps: I break down your big goals into manageable daily tasks to help you make steady, meaningful progress.

  5. Community Support: Through workshops, book clubs, and events, I provide platforms for group interaction and mutual encouragement.

The Outcome:

Our clients have seen transformational results, both physically and mentally:

  • Better Health Metrics: Clients report fitting into their clothes better, lower blood pressure, and increased energy levels.

  • Functional Strength: Whether it's managing dogs better, lifting everyday objects, or excelling in a hobby like pinup modeling, our clients find that their day-to-day lives are enriched and simplified.

  • Mindset Shift: Clients learn to see physical activity as a joy rather than a chore, understanding that every little bit counts toward their overall health.

What Our Clients Are Saying:

  • "The program is never boring, I learn something new regularly." - Natalia

  • "Seeing some muscles in my arms made me feel stronger. You're there and available." - Karla

  • "I can manage my dogs better, I can garden longer. I'm pretty content and tackle the unexpected head-on." - Jill

In Their Words:

"A turning point for me was realizing that activity in my everyday life counts toward my overall health. Coach Julie's consistent but flexible scheduling and emphasis on daily progress have been key to my success. Her program is holistic, covering multiple areas of wellness, and offers an individual approach to creating sustainable, happy habits. I'm stronger, more energetic, and most importantly, happier. I would absolutely recommend this program!" - Jackie

Bonus Insights:

  • Our clients appreciate the program's flexibility, allowing them to work at their own pace, a feature they find invaluable for their individual health needs.

  • Many find the program to be the perfect antidote to overthinking, especially during early morning classes.

  • Clients value external accountability, citing it as a crucial factor in keeping them motivated and focused.

If you're looking to make sustainable, impactful changes in your health and well-being, Coach Julie's program might just be the transformative experience you're looking for. Reach out today and take the first step toward a happier, healthier you!

Unsure which program suits you? Schedule a free call with Julie to find the perfect fit.

Coaching Options

This 6-week Program is perfect if you want to feel stronger, more confident, taller, and have more energy!

After an initial assessment and phone call, Julie creates a 6-week fitness & health coaching program tailored to you, your challenges, strengths, and goals. After 6 weeks you can decide to sign on as a monthly member or move to a remote program.

Are you eager to work out but feel intimidated by the idea of going to a gym or working out at home? Say goodbye to fitness uncertainty and intimidation. Improve your technique and feel confident following your custom program

Enroll in our 6-month Stronger Together Group Coaching Program and learn how to create sustainable lifestyle change with the support of Julie and other Stronger Together members. Enrollment opens December 15th. Program begins January 13th.

As a Master Health Coach and Personal Trainer I can guide you through both the wins and the challenges, the packed soccer weekends and the days out with family, the good days, and the not-so-great days.
— Julie Bailis, PN L2 Master Health Coach, Personal Trainer, NASM

Read more about the MVW Community

Check out these testimonials from some of my clients

After 6 weeks of training with Julie, I feel: Amazing, Stronger, Motivated!
— Paula S
After 6 weeks of training with Julie I feel: stronger, more balanced, more confident + less guarded/afraid to move.
— K.P


About Julie

Julie Bailis is a Personal Trainer, Health & Wellness Coach & owner of Mountain View Wellness LLC. Julie creates in-person and virtual wellness programs that help her clients create and sustain healthy lifestyles using fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness. 

Julie’s programs empower her clients physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether your goals are to improve your health, create healthy habits, lose weight, increase balance, or move with more joy and less pain, Julie can help you.

Julie’s Group Health Coaching Program begins on November 18th. If you are interested in group health coaching with Julie, please send her an email, and you will be the first to be notified when registration opens.

Julie is also available for public speaking events, workshops, and seminars. Julie is gifted at creating an upbeat, positive, and empowering vibe and teaching others how to break down their big aspirations into tiny practical everyday habits. She is happy to talk about wellness, Habit creation, and ways to design a life of wellness and joy.